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My high school diploma?

I’m 16, and I was wondering if theres a way I can just get my high school diploma. [My parents pulled me out of school in 7th grade ’cause they didnt’ think they could trust me to go to middle school…then after that they kinda just didn’t force me to do anything. I know I should’ve done it on my own in the first place but, they didnt even get me the work for grades 9 & 10 and doubt that there now going to give me work for 11th. Can I just get my diploma online and get it all over with now? Instead of 2 years from now? [I live in Wisconsin btw if that helps??]

Top 8 Answers

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Call any nearby technical colleges and find out if you can get a high school diploma from them (not a GED). Some offer high school diplomas with you working a your own pace. This is a good starting place to begin asking questions. I hope everything works out well.

First off, that really sucks. Second, I think it is against the law to keep a child (sorry for calling you a child, anyone under the age of 18 is considered a child according to the law) from public education is a form of neglect. You can get your GED (general education) by passing the GED exam. Here are some sites. Also you can contact a community college to see if they offer courses to pass the GED. Once you have passed them, you can take classes at a community college and then transfer to a reputable 4-year college to get your Bachelors degree. This is all I know, I hope it helped a little. I’m sorry that you are being deprived from education and from getting your high school diploma.

I wish the best for you.


Is it even legal for your parents to pull you out of school and not make you do anything? Do you really want to get a diploma and not work for it? Either get in touch with your school to see if you can get back in or look into getting your GED.

You can get a GED. But I am not sure of a high school diploma.

It’s also embarrassing to say all you have is a high school education. I also suggest the G.E.D then C.C route.

Contact your local school board and see what they tell you.

Barry auh2o
You know it wouldn’t be worth anything if you didn’t have to earn it.

just take your ged certification

Give your grades a lift Order