My daughter is having academic problems in highschool. should I make take easier classes?
and having alot of late nights. Should I make her take easier classes?
Favorite Answer
If it is a learning disability, they can work with her on how to approach the material in a way that will work for her. If not, then she may not have great study habits, which can be fixed, or it may be the fact that she can’t quite handle the coursework, and at that time, it will be clear which classes she should be in.
I am a college professor, and there is nothing more frustrating to me than the student who honestly tells me that s/he has been studying constantly, and who still can’t get the hang of the subject matter. Sure, some are just not very capable, but more often than not they just don’t know how to approach the material.
And to answer the question, no. Don’t make her take easier classes