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My class schedule are as follows: Biol, Pre-Calc, Soc and Eng. Is this a good schedule for a freshman?

Oh………..I’m also a Biol major and hope to be in the medical feild someday?

Should I take Biol and Chemistry as a freshman or should I start my chem classes as a sophmore?

Thanx for the help in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

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Looks like you have a good line up. Are any of these classes AP? I would not take Chemistry and Biology at the same time. Chemistry requires a different focus than Biology. You are certainly mathematically ready for Chemistry…main thing is to have a full load of classes, but not overloaded. You want to retain what you learn as well as keep your grades up.

I’m not sure that I would take them both in the same semester unless you have had some classes already involving Chemistry or Biology. It seems as if it would be way too stressful.

I’m also going into the medical field and have to take quite a few science type classes and decided to split them all up between semesters because they are definitely the hardest classes I have.


<-- college med student you can go to med school with an undergrad degree in anything, so dont think you need to have a bio background to be in the medical field. I would start chem as early as possible, as it is a huge topic, and the younger you start the easier it will be on you. Perhaps you can take honors courses in HS and not have to take certain ones in college. Good luck in pre-calc! Dont give up.

Most schools have several required classes for each year. College bound students usually have a math, English, science, social science, foreign language, and PE requirement for @ least 3 years. Then the senior year you are left with a 4th year of Engish, social science, and whatever other subjects you want a 4th year or AP class… with most taking a math, science, and foreign language.

What a rip off!!!

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