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Middle School????

I am starting Middle school this fall and I am nervous. Is there any way too calm my nerves???

Top 9 Answers
Mrs. V

Favorite Answer

Middle school is tough because it is a stage in your life when so many changes occur to you and to everyone around you. You and your friends will start to go through puberty but all at different times and at different levels. Some kids grow taller than others very quickly, voices start to change, acne can develop, etc. There are so many things to easily become embarassed about, but keep in mind that you are not alone, everyone your age is going through the same thing, and in just a short couple of years, you will all be at the same level again. So try to relax and think of it as a period of transition, and just have fun! Enjoy your youth because it will be gone in a flash and then you will find yourself like me, 22 years old with a mortgage and a full time job… where did all the good times go? lol

Your teachers will be easy on you because they know that this is a huge new step for you, and they are used to getting in a whole set of new kids just like you, fresh out of elementary school, every single year, so they will know exactly how to help you. You will meet all kinds of new faces and friends and you have every opportunity to be whoever you want to be, to start becoming whoever it is that you are inside! So just relax and enjoy the ride.


Well dont worry I just got done with middle school and I will tell you from personal experience. Middle school went by for me really quickly and I got by ok. The sixth grade teachers are nice because they know how nervous you are and wont give you to much trouble. The only difference it that you get a bit more homework then elementary. Also you get to pick electives so you can be in an extra class more fun that you choose…(pe band exploratory’s Spanish) Also the lunches are better but they cost more too. So thats the good stuff. Now the bad stuff is that kids get into middle school and think they are cool and mature so the curse in every sentence they say. Also if you remember study hall or if you have ever been in it its not so bad. But in middle school you go to ASI (after school intervention) or ISI (in scool intervention) Now the teacer in the ASI/ISI room can be mean. While you are in their you just sit be quiet do home work or read. Its not as fun as study hall (I actually enjoyed study hall LOL) That is the good and the bad if you have any more questions please e mail me.

Middle School really isn’t anything to be nervous about. I was nervous when I started, but it turned out to be okay, my only probably was that I had an 8th grader cousin who would like to give me a dork smack on the head. lol. Other than that, it seemed easy. Just keep up in all of your classes and don’t get boy crazy! It should be a fun year for you.

Don’t worry you’ll be fine. The work will get a little harder and you’ll have to get used to changing classes but you get used to that within 2 weeks. If there are bullies at your school and you get picked on, don’t be afraid of going to a teacher and telling them. Don’t be intimidated by older students because a couple of years ago they were in the same situation you are. Try to make many friends so you won’t be lonely and can have someone to help you through the year. And remember to ALWAYS try your best, turn in your homework on time, and don’t slack off.

eat a donut calm down hope that can help!! im starting highschool im preety sure it wont be that bad.. theres nothing to worry about trust me i thought it was going to be hell but it was my first best year ever make some good friends and hate your teacher you will get through it very fast plus it will go very fast now that you will have different clasess evey 45 minutes time will go by 🙂

i was scared to but middle school isnt scary at all. u get use to how everything goes and the teachers will help u out a lot. so dont be afraid

DON’T WORRY!!!!YOU’ll BE FINE! if you believe you can do it & have your friends by your side middle school won’t be that big of deal. Trust me i’m in 8th grade I had the same fealings. everythings going to be ok!

Dont really take tension in it its actullay pretty fun!!!!!!!!

be prepared………………..

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