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MFA in fine arts…?

If I want to apply for an MFA in Fine arts… what are the essencial things that they will look at in my portfolio??

please be as specific as possible..

I’d really appretiate it….


Top 2 Answers
Robert D

Favorite Answer

The first thing you’ll want to have is your BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) or at the very least … your BA.

It depends on the program you’re going for and what you have intended your major to be. If it’s in Art History, then you’ll need a skill set and marks that will back up that discipline such as writing, research, photography would be a good thing as well as a very well honed aptitude for drawing and illustration.

If you are going for your BFA or MFA in visual arts, then a set of skills that would include drawing, painting, art history knowledge, understanding style and composition, full knowledge of color and texture and the ability to explain and present a rationale for work your are doing.

If you are thinking about Visual as it pertains to film and/or video … then you’re going to require an understanding and working knowledge of cameras, shooting, scheduling, budget, various forms of the art.


I have never heard of applying for a Masters Degree in anything. Around here, they are earned by completing your Associates Degree, your Bachelors Degree, and then taking the GRE-passing it, and finishing Grad School.

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