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Master’s Degree in San Francisco?

Can I go for Master’s Degree if I hold only an Associate?

What is the best source to find Master’s Degree provider schools in San Francisco?

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No. You need to get a bachelor’s degree before you go for a master’s. The only exception is that there are some schools which offer combined degrees, where you work on both your bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the same time, finishing in more time than it would take to finish just one degree, but less than it would normally take to do both. The two reputable schools I can think of which offer Master’s degrees in San Francisco city are San Francisco State and the University of San Francisco, but there are plenty of others in the surrounding Bay Area.

You need a a four year degree. So you probably have a couple of years to try and find that Master’s Degree provider in San Francisco.

embroidery fan
I think you need a Bachelor’s degree, first. Google San Francisco–Universities.

you need an undergraduate degree first. Then get the master’s degree. If you don’t wanna go to school for an undergraduate school, try the online ones. Heck, get the online master’s degree s also. I never tried them but I keep seeing them advertise them online. They must be credible, right?

chk the various master degree available in “The Princeton Review” website. Pls do google search as i dun remember the site name now. Tnx

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