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Derrick L

Make APA citation for a long quote from website?

website is How do I make a citation in APA style for a long quote from this website?

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You might need to say which APA you’re talking about, I think, to get a good Yahoo answer. But generally, it’s a good idea to ask the author (or the appropriate entity if not an individual author) for permission to quote at all, you know. Otherwise you could get in trouble for violating copyright, I believe. Or do you mean you’re writing something for the APA to go on its own website? They almost surely have style rules or a style book so ask for it. It’s probably online. A site that expects people to submit polished writing will have a section called “Rules for Authors” or something similar and you might find it pretty easily.

Or just write them and tell them you want to do a long quote. You can be sure, if they do allow it, they’ll want you to use the proper format so that they’ll get credited. So of course they’ll tell you how.

Or if you’re publishing something in, say, a professional journal, ask the editor to send you the journal’s rules on this, or their style manual. Hope this helps. Just wish I knew which APA you mean! American Podiatry Association, or Physicists, or Pi or Pie or Pet or Pennyloafer or what!


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