Learning French help please??
I really need to learn French, and it really takes me a long time, somtimes to understand things, like Math, and now French.Besides learning from a French tutor, what are my opinons? Is there any software to learn French that is guaranteed to work? If you know of any software to learn French on a first hand basis, that works can you please tell me the name of it?
Top 3 Answers
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This may sound weird, but try renting or buying some of those videos that are meant for kids who are learning a second language. I watched Muzzy (the french version) and I swear it helped a lot. Everything is repeated many times and they take things really slow so it helps a lot. Also, try to find friends who are also learning that you can try to speak with on a daily basis. Good luck!
There is a website http://www.frenchtutorial.com/ that may help. I learned by helping a french guy in my class. The website may help and try speaking it to fellow classmates and what worked best for me was trying to teach it to my little sister, cause then I could remember it better. Anyway, good luck, and hope everything turns our ok.
yup listen to what ppl here say. um lets see
bon apprenmedie!
thats good afternoon in french