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kill em with kindness?

explain this? isnt this fake?

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This is actually derived from the best book of all (the Bible). I cannot remember the exact verse, but it says that by loving your enemy and blessing those who curse you, you will be placing hot coals upon their heads. You know, giving them a guilt trip.

When you treat some one with kindness what bad do they have cause or right to critize you.This is usually used in context of someone u know and they don’t appreciate you.

Your mother in law , a teacher, an ex,or a person with a nasty disposition. Good way to win people over,and change their negative attitude.Hope it makes sence.


If someone is being mean to you, they are usually trying to get a reaction from you/get under your skin. If you do not react negatively but are kind to them, it will annoy them because you are not reacting to their words/deeds. In essence you win because you are not giving the reaction they want and they will eventually give up (in theory). Basically you are being the ****** person.

got to be ironic.. coz you can’t kill anybody by kindness.. coz if you are kind you won’t kill anyone..

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