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Italian -Over the top?

I’m Italian, My family always have some kind of hand gesture for anything, Anything you name, If there watching football you will not hear the end of it if there team loose It’s “Vaffanculo, Merda, Stronzo!” All the words, Very Emotional, I do this though It’s scary.

When I am angry with someone and I say F off i make some expression anyone get this?


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Yes, my famliy and I are the same way. It’s just an italian thing, I guess. I don’t think I could have a conversation without being very dramatic and moving my hands.

5 years ago
I’m Italian, we’re not rude and vulgar in my family and when we’re watching football we don’t yell those swear words, Speak for yourself. We also don’t move hands every time we say a word. I did notice Americans talk with hands much more than me and that Italian Americans move their hands like monkeys because they think to act like us Italians.

I’m Italian too, but I don’t move hands like being in a hurry!

I want to make this point very clear: Italians are not all the same! I know some people start shouting when watching football matches or if you have a divergent opinion but hey, relax, take it easy…

“I make some expressions anyone get this?” yes, but i’m used to it…


You’re italian. You make freaky hand gestures and go badabing, badobo, badaboom. lol jk. I guess it’s just a thing you all got used to doing.. like people that use air quotes too much. I hate those ppl… damn the air quotes.

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