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is this retarded or what??

For our question we posted earlier of to or too!!

my friends teacher is stupid and taught it to her wrong!!

goshh public schooling these days!! you cant trust it!!

mann stupid teacher!!!

soo are your teachers that dumb???

Top 4 Answers

Favorite Answer

True story:

I was 24 and had a little time

on my hands.

A friend was tutoring English in a

community college’s tutorial lab.

I applied. By writing two paragraphs

of on-the-spot, off-the-cuff stuff.

I was hired the instant the hiring

woman had read it. (The unwritten

requirement was to be enrolled.

I wasn’t.)

The Staff of a hundred and eighty-five

years’ tenure mildly resented this.

One day, after a particularly slow

workload of assignments, I broke

out some spontaneity to keep the

all-foreign but happy-to-learn students


I wrote on the chalkboard,

“Stay tuned for Susan and I

to return, right after this.”

All students present had picked-up

the errant part, AND the why of

it–on their own.

When I told them it was common

utterance of our oh-so-prized

local TV newscasters, I watched

some of their faces light up.

In a flash of a moment, they realized

that every ambition of theirs was

closer than they’d thought.

Just knowing that these American people,

brought up in English-speaking (allegedly)

homes, were lacking in care of what

they’re paid to do, gave these students

the awareness that if they put their

best into ascent, they might do just

as well.

The Staff called me in to question,

and asked that I refrain from

straying “from the books”.

Within 3 days, four of the instructors

had approached me in various halls,

at different times, and whispered

their apologies, concluding that

I was “right”.

< Moral I've carried with me: NOT an ego thing. A Love Of the Language thing. >


Is this what our public school systems are turning to?? Not that they weren’t bad, any way, at least where I live…That’s stupid.

No, my teachers are not that dumb. In fact, they’re so smart they shouldn’t be teaching.


well, no, my teachers weren’t dumb. i was homeschooled, by the way 🙂

if it’s the teacher’s fault, talk to him/her. if that teacher won’t admit it, complain. your teacher may not be coping, may have been confused, or seeing how much you rely on her/him. have you told your parents yet? they ought to know.


yes it is

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