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is there another free homeschooling program like ” Options for Youth”?

I’m in Options for Youths right now, and want to switch to another free home schooling program. I’m in LA, any suggestions?

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Both of my grandson’s are in Options for Youth and have done very well. Here’s my suggestion. Go to your OFY advisor and ask. They are employees of OFY, and also of the California Public School System. It is their job to provide you with the best opportunity.

If they cannot help, then call your district education office at the link below and ask for help. You have to be very persistent, because the school system is not very “proactive”, and you are on your own when it comes to getting a top, free education. My best wishes on your “fight” for your rights.

Again, I would like to suggest that OFY really can help you, but you have to be very firm about your needs.


5 years ago
Have you considered Charity Christian Academy? Enrollment is closed until May, but I am sure that they would be happy to answer any questions that you might have. They are based out of Kansas. GA does not regulate what homeschooling options are available to you. You can do anything from schooling to enrolling in a very expensive college track online school.

You could use CAVA

or Connections Academy!9295&keyword=online+home+school

They both operate as charter schools in California.

Also, try Golden Valley Charter


Or your could possibly do a Home Based Study from your local school.

Plus, if you want to R4, you can practically homeschool for free online and at the library.

Have fun.


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