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Is there a college that offers the major Economics and Fiance & International Relations?

*economics and finance is one major, not two. I’m looking for a college that offers that and international relations.

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lmfao. Eco-Fi is my major. I go to Bentley College in Waltham MA. They do not offer IR but they do offer international studies as both a major and a minor.

5 years ago
By institution I am guessing you imply tuition? You don’t primary in a area within the British procedure, you without problems decide upon one area to use for reminiscent of International Relations, and you’ll be able to take decide upon which elements of the path to research (modules) and take a couple of electives (in exclusive topics, is determined by your uni) International Relations has an overly well fame as a masters measure (principally at oxford and cambridge) however LSE and Warwick each present it, and they’re each very very well universities, principally LSE (London School of Economics)

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