Is nursing a good field to go in?
Is nursing a good field to go in?
Top 5 Answers
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Probably the best right now. Plenty of openings.
go to ~ ~ it will show you pay scale per state, school requirements and job demands!
Excellent field to go into. There is a nursing shortage now that is only going to get worse in the next 10-20 years. The bulk of practicing nurses are in their 40’s. As they start to retire the shortage will only get worse. There is also a nursing school capacity problem. Nurses make top $ too. Lady across the street from me is a nurse, she’s pulling in around $50/hour.
Nursing is one of the most in demand professions in the United States. Decline is not expected in this field at least for the next 20 years.
So, yes, it is a good field to go into. You will have many different options open to you after you get you RN License. There are really unlimited directions you can take it.
It is a good field you will be guaranteed a job, but it is a hard job. Of the RNs I know they all have to work more than 40 hours a week. They are on their feet the whole time so their legs always ache. If you work in a big hospital you will probably get paid well but if you want to work in a small town you won’t get paid much. And be prepared for alot of competition to get into nursing school.
.Man it is the best field to go but only if you are ready to do really hard work. Better yet get degree in Anesthesiologist in Nursing. You be making some serious dough. I m thinking of doing same thing, once i get my bachelor.
Good Luck