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Is it savvy to use broken English ??

I notice that many people are posting messages in yahoo answers using misspelled words, gramatical errors, lacking punctuations etc. .. clueless english – so called text lingo..

what is your opinon on this growing trend ??

Top 10 Answers
Diana M

Favorite Answer

Absolutely not.

The use of “text lingo” and “broken English” only show that you are lacking in education. Yes, it saves time online, however, it does not help you out in the real world as you slowly forget how to spell.

I review resumes and several a month contain “online slang”. I am quick to throw them out.


Smooch The Pooch
It’s a horrible trend, and it is text lingo. Mostly used by kids who are used to chatting and texting this way, but should never use in Yahoo answers or any other message board.

I’m a spelling and grammar nut. There is nothing on this earth that bothers me more than people who misspell words and make gramatical errors. I just can’t stand it at all. I think that if you can’t learn the language properly, don’t bother speaking or writing it lol.

I think it’s apalling how texting is dumbing down an entire generation. People now are either incapable or too lazy to spell an entire word. I fear that spelling and grammar may be a lost art.

ppl 8 it m8 n soooooooo da u

in all honesty i think it shows how the current eduction system has failed to simply teach a whole generation the Queens english.not helped by mobile phones and the government letting so many foreigners in, some of which do not even intend to learn the language.


Devil’s Plaything
If you don’t like it, then ignore them. That’s what I do. Although since you have a spell check button right above your dialog box, there’s no reason not to use it.

Pryva D
Sling your flaming arrows at me, I don’t care…!!

It p**ses me off! I literally get a headache. If I see one more “What if your going home….do you take that to?” wording, I’m blinding myself with a pencil.

Softer side: I don’t answer them.





I can’t even start on your punctuation. You’re correct, it is pretty awful.


It drives me crazy. People just sound generally uneducated when they phrase their questions or answers that way.

It’s okay to use a little slang but too much is just annoying.

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