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is it possible to go from a community college to Harvard law?

is it possible to go from a community college to Harvard law?

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No. You need a Bachelors degree to apply to Harvard Law. You also need to take, and do real well on the LSAT examination. Havard Law is pretty stuffy about who the will admit. If you are looking for an equivalent law degree without the networking, there are several really good ABA approved as well as non-ABA approved law schools in the Boston area. Schools such as Suffolk and NE School of Law are a couple of ABA approved schools. Mass School of Law is an excellent non ABA approved school. Unfortunately, you need a Bachelors degree to attend any law school.

You get just as good an education for a LOT less money at Mass School of Law. They are non ABA approved because they refuse to roll over for the idiotic rules the ABA requires to qualify a school. Such things as the pay for the professors (MSL utilizes many practicing lawyers and judges as instructors) and size of the library (90% of your research is done on-line via West Law).

MSL does not require LSAT’s either, which are a stupid exam to predict your success in law school. They also have a comparable BAR pass rate compared to Harvard and other stuffy schools. In reality that is the main measuring mark.

Save a lot of money.


I don’t see why not. It’s possible to start out at a community college, then transfer to a four year school, then apply to law school. Graduate programs only care where your BA/BS degree came from. It doesn’t matter where if you transferred a year or two of general education classes in to your four year school.

If your asking if you can go DIRECTLY from your local community college to Harvard Law, no. You always need a four year degree with very good grades before you can apply to any law school.


Theodore H
You’re missing a step there. You would go from community college to four-year college/university and then find out if you’re good enough for Harvard Law School (or, indeed, any law school).

simply put, NO.

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