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Is it better to go to a private college or a public college?

Is it better to go to a private college or a public college?

Top 8 Answers

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“Better” is highly individualized. You have to make that determination by making a list of what you want from a college.

Private is probably going to get you access to a more professional teaching environment, but public can be just as good.

It depends what you want to get out of it – I’m changing to a public college after going to a private school for like 7-8 years because the real world isn’t going to be full of strict and smart students. So just ask yourself what you think you’ll need.


It depends on a few things. Public colleges are less expensive so if you don’t know what you want to major in, it is best to go to them first to get your AA and an idea of what you want to major in, then transfer to a private college to finish your education. Way cheaper and you can experiment with your classes a little bit to see what field is best for you.

The more expensive the school the better the education is categorically false. Examples: Both the University of Michigan and the University of Virginia are the best schools in their states, and are public schools. There are far more expensive private schools in the same states.

Depends. Public colleges normally are larger and cheaper and private colleges tend to be smaller and expensive.

I think its better to go to a private school because the more expensive the better the school and the better education.

latina flavor
it depends on how you feel, about the environment that you will be most comfortable in. i go to a community college and it is great bc i’ve met so many people.

private schools are more expensive…and you should check out the school websites…it all depends on what you like

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