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Is it bad to go to the same college for a bachelor’s degree and a degree in medicine/law?

Is it bad to go to the same college for a bachelor’s degree and a degree in medicine/law?

Top 4 Answers

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It’s not bad at all. Many people do this.

In fact, if you want to work in the same city as the university, it may help because it will demonstrate to employers that you are committed to living in that city and have a strong tie to it.


Fly On The Wall
I do not think the same stigma exists for attending the same institution for BS and law/medicine as it does for regular graduate programs. I think law offices want to know where you went to law school, and they couldn’t give a damn where you got your BS.

No, it can also be much easier to get into medical or law school if you attended undergrad there.

Theodore H

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