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is home schooling alot of money??

is home schooling alot of money??

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No. it is possible to spend a lot of money but it is certainly not essential. The internet is full of sites to download free lessons or cheap ones in a myriad of areas. If you have a library card, you can check out books, magazines, papers, videos etc. and do research for free. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, and thesauri can be viewed online. Life skills (such as cooking or carpentry) can be taught . Trips to the museum, fire station, places of work can described in a journal counting as work for English or History, Science .Get into the kitchen and cook–can be used to teach measurement and fractions. Go to the grocery store and compare prices with amount of product received–economics. There are hundreds of ideas. There are some really good resources out there. One of my favorites is The Complete Homelearning Sourcebook by Rebecca Rupp. It is chock full of ideas. If you are not comfortable with planning your own curriculum, there are packaged sets. Talk with several people before purchasing. one important thing to remember is that everyone has their own learning style. Check it out online and try to match your curriculum accordingly. hope this helps.

I homeschool seven kiddo’s and I’d say I don’t spend a lot at all. We get most of our books through the library (free) or through book swaps also free or reduced. The other supplies would be things that we’d keep around the house most of the time, paper, crayons, scissors, etc. Computer is our number one resource, and we’d have those anyway.

I think the number one purchases have been annual memberships to zoos and museums, which we’d probably have anyway, maybe $300 a year altogether.


In order to answer this well, I’d have to know your definition of “a lot”. We don’t spend much on homeschooling (about $300 per year, including supplies – pencils, paper, science experiments). We get most of our “texts” from the local library (in the form of “living” books). In the upper grades (junior high/high school) I start using math textbooks and will probably start using science texts for high school. Some materials can be used by multiple children (non-consumable), others will need to be purchased separately for each child. Often, the program that works wonderfully for one child doesn’t fit the next child (at all!)

Homeschooling can be done for much less by using the internet as a resource and co-operative learning (you teach subject X to one or two families children, they teach subjects Y and Z to yours). _Homeschooling on a Shoestring_ by Morgan and Allee might be a good resource to look into, as well as _Homeschool Your Child for Free_ by Gold and Zielinski.


Home schooling does not cost A LOT.

You can get a lot of the info, books and materials through home schooling networks on the web.


School in a box can get expensive as can viritual program on the web.

There are, however, less expensive means such as work books, used text books, library books, etc.

It is usually necessary to buy some gismos and things to experiment with. Physics toys, microscopes, chemistry equipment, electronics kits.


It depends on a lot of things.

Also, everyone’s definition of “a lot” is different.

We spend around $3000 a year for one child and that’s not “a lot” for *us*, as the alternative would be a private school for abour $12,000/yr. However, that probably seems like an outrageous amount of money for some HS’ers.


No but there is some costs. Materials for projects have to be purchased and in some areas you have to buy text books too.

Jeff A
I doesn’t have to be. Check out Connections Academy. It is taxpayer supported home schooling.

No not all the time it just depends on which brand you buy.For math you could buy saxon books, for all the other subjects you could use lifepac, hope this helps!



No, my sister homeschools her 7 kids. There are some costs though, like books and stuff.

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