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is anyone else having a hard time with ACT and SAT?

i’m a freaking straight A student, my high school’s #1 in the state, but i CANNOT do good on the ACT or SAT. so far this summer, i’ve done a practice test a day, but my score are not getting anywhere, and i’m so worried. i’m really bad at with the grammar sections..anyone have any advice?? i’m at the end of my ropes..

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don’t overwork yourself. Just be patient and keep on studying little by little and you will see yourself improve. Just be patient. doing practice tests every day might not show a significant increase in your scores because you are wearing yourself out! Take one practice test a week or so and just subscribe on college board to get a question a day in your email. If you are having trouble with grammar, maybe check out a grammar workbook at the library or buy one (there are some made specifically to prepare you for SAT writing section) and just work on that little by little. Don’t stress too much! Good Luck!!

Just because you don;t do as well on the practice tests doesn’t necessarily mean much. When I took the practice tests I got low 20’s (ACT) but when I actually took the real one I got a 27(ACT).

I also took practice tests for the SAT and didn’t do so hot. When I took the SAT for real I didn’t do as well as I had hoped. I think I got an 1150.

You do know that you may not need to take both. Depending on what state you live in you may only need to take one. I am from Michigan and to stay at an in- state college I only need the ACT. I took the SAT just incase I scored better in comparison.

Look into what you need to take or what colleges you are applying for.

Try not to stress about it. Stressing out is the worst thing you can do. You can always re-take the tests. If you don’t send the scores to the colleges of your choice right away and you do bad, you can always just send them the new score when you retake it.


Your schools ranking has absolutely nothing to do with your scores or how you will do; keep in mind that in order for schools to be ranked they have to pay, so there are plenty of good schools that don’t pay and therefore don’t get ranked. As for the grammar sections, I recommend the Princeton Review for SAT or ACT. I used to be horrible at grammar; however with the Princeton Review I recently took a practice test and received a 700 for that section- it seriously helps a lot! Moreover, just relax when taking the practice tests if you keep practicing you will improve, and that test anxiety will go away before the big day.

Good luck!


Your high school’s ranking has nothing to do with this. It’s all you. When I was in high school, my high school was number one in the state and right now, it’s the number three ranked high school in the nation according to Newsweek magazine. You’re taking these practice tests, but are you going over the practice tests and their correct answers to see what you’re doing wrong? What you need to do is go out and purchase SAT/ACT test prep books. There are many that exist. Choose the ones that have explanations and tips that should help you increase your score dramatically. Of course you’re going to do low on practice tests if you are unable to grasp the concepts. Study first, then practice. Anyways, for the reading sections, reading books in your spare time can help as well. You’ll get your reading skills up. Also, when taking the test, skim through the passages and then answer the questions. When you skim, you should still grasp the idea of what it is trying to convey. Good luck.

i got help with the math section, but im just naturally great with grammar and writing. sorry 🙁 if this helps, i practiced with the big blue book “guide to the new SAT”, is what i think its called. it has lots of practice tests. but all the things about how to do well in the grammar part just confused me so i went with my gut on answers lol. i ended up getting 620/800 on both english sections, and 580/800 on math which im weaker at. so thats 1820 total 🙂

I was a valedictorian in high school too, and even straight A in college as well.

You seems to have anxiety now, but let’s listen to my experience as example to you and relax.

I was like you, a straight A from 9th grade to 12th grade, but I have a fear of taking SAT. I didn’t prepare at all the first time I took it during first semester in senior year and I got only 1500. The low score didn’t flunk me, but I motivated me to try more for the next time. I spend sometime practicing but not reading the lessons of SAT. Let’s talk about good tips:

1. I went to local library(but not school) to find out all books related to SAT Prep. then I borrowed almost all of them. I choose the books that I felt very comfortable with. Then I practice all the practice tests. For each prac test, I did at least 3 times till I got the highest scores. I made myself not to feel worried if I have low score first time I practices. As a result, I can understand the tricks of SAT, and I built a strong knowledge on it.

2. I focuses on vocabularies. I note down 5 new SAT vocabularies a day. I write down in the morning, revise once at lunch, and test myself at night. Also trying to use my new words in my essays as well.

3. I try to deal with time pressure. Reading part always kills me with time pressure, so I need to overcome my apathy and chronophobia. I try to do as slow as I can and do as fast as I can..then I try the moderate tone…I reached that moderate works! and I try to be like” who cares about time pressure”..Starting with Reading problem, I scan all questions very quickly, and read introduction carefully, read each topic sentences and conclusion carefully as well…the details are important, but the questions will tell you where it is to be answered.

Oh well, Math and writing are not my problem at all because I was good at it.

want some tips on essay?

well, key is ” be specific”, this might sound simple and it is so simple that makes people to carelessly think of it. Do not use a tone of too general. try MLA format!: Intro(do not forget thesis), 3body(topic sentences& specific evidences), and a short conclusing of at least 2 sentences.

You can fake an experience to write on your essay lol..I did it and I got 12 on essay lol ….

In deed, I got 2110 for SAT which surprised my friends very much…

Again, keep practicing till you feel familiar with it and understand the tricks. It is like you meet your new friends. First, you feel shy or you do not dare to play with them. When you keep track with them, you understand more and you will become best friends, playing like monkeys lol…

and Again, beat the time and get ready.! lol

You better read the sample essay of 6 scores on SAT so that you have more prospect of getting better score

Good luck


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