Interview tomorrow!!!?
I have a interview tomorrow to get into a Learning for Life program through the Fire Department and they are limiting how many people get in! What are the best things to talk about? Any advice, I am really nervous!!!
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Start with making a good first impression by being confident, talking clearly, being aware of the company’s policies and other things. Short straight to the point answers to their questions, no “wellll”…”Ummmm” or things like that. Also, prepare one or two questions yourself, mostly about the company and the post you apply for. Smile, look them in the eyes. Body language, appearance etc 😉
You’ll be just fine! Good luck!
Just act positive and confident, and make sure you actually answer their questions, don’t just babble on and on. Talk about how you are really excited about this opportunity, and ask them some questions too so they will know you are interested!
Be positive and show them that you are interested in the programme.Ask them questions.Be polite.