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in the book “1984” “the revolution will be complete when the languageis perfect.” what does Syme mean when he-

says that??

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He means that their government/culture will reach it’s ideal once they are able to completely control language and its meaning.

The term “revolution” references the Soviet Bolshevik revolution when people in Russia were trying to make a better society by changing government and its role in society.


It’s been fifty years, let me see what I can remember.

The government was able to bend the language so that it meant completely the opposite of what it previously meant. The ministry of truth was in charge of propaganda

The ministry of peace was in charge of the war.

When everyone agrees with the government’s definitions of all words, then the revolution [which is really the government’s takeover of all freedom] will be complete.

Winston Smith loved Big Brother.


Russell L
He means that the Party’s power will be absolute when Newspeak is perfected, when the terms in which people can think are limited to a small number.

screw the book watch the move 1984 with john blushi

Father Ted

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