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im going to middle school next yr do u have any advice for me?

im really nervous…..i dont want to go through alot of growing up changes. help i need advice!

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1) this may be a time for “transition” for you (finding your own style, identity, etc.) — but whatever you do, do not make yourself stand out. You can do that in college, when people are more mature and accept you for who you are. Just try to blend in as much as possible when it comes to clothes, and even behavior/personality.

2) This is the time where we are ridiculed and picked on the most — high school is not even as bad as middle school. Like I said, don’t make yourself stand out as described in #1. Also, stay on top of your school work. Lots of brainy kids ended up soaring and prevailing against others as they gained respect from teachers and classmates. I don’t think I ever witnessed anyone being picked on for getting good grades, that’s only in the movies. Smart is definitely the new cool. Also, when you stay on top of your school work, this earns you chances of getting spots in “advanced placement” classes in subjects of math and science at your high school. Most public schools have this in their currciculum.

3) Don’t mess with people. If you see your friends making fun of someone thinking it’s “cool” to do so, don’t join in, unless you want to get picked on too. When you pick on someone, they’ll pick on you right back — and they can say something (a really good diss) that will really embarass you, so don’t even get into it if you don’t want to be talked about. Goes back to #1, where I say “don’t stand out at all costs”.

4) In middle school, your classmates are brutally honest. This means if you have a bad hair day, they will let you know it — but they will also let the whole classroom know it. So careful! I don’t want you to get paranoid, but do things that won’t call attention to your look or hygiene: stay in shape/excercise (middle schoolers LOVE picking on fat overweight kids), take care of your skin / get an acne remedy from your doctor, WEAR DEODERANT (because middle school kids will also let you know when you smell like “b.o.” and then announce it to the rest of the class…).

CONCLUSION: Be clean, healthy, smell good, keep your mouth shut, stay on top of your school work, and DON’T STAND OUT! Hope this helps.


Amber E
middle school is a BLAST (I have taught at one for several years). The best plan is to work hard, make some good friends, and just be yourself. Know the kind of person you are, and choose to make the RIGHT decisions about things. Don’t give in to peer pressure. Remember that teachers may be evil, but if you struggle they are there to help you. You’re going to love it!

oh god! don’t worry! everyone your age is. middle school is a blast! make new friends and get used to the new school is all you have to do. i’m sad to be leaving middle school. (going in to 9th now)

just be confident and have a good attitude about everything on the first day of school!

good luck!


You have to be mature.. prepare for A LOT of adult stuff. Don’t let yourself be vulnerable (aka sensitive). Know who your TRUE friends are. And don’t worry about it. It’s over before you know it. It’s honestly a lot better than elementary school.

try and stay out of older kids way they will literatly kill ya

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