If you get a D in a course in college, do you have to retake that course?
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However, don’t get into a havit of thinking that getting Ds is acceptable–your college will throw you on academic probation if your GPA falls below a cwertain point.
Some would say you should take it over to raise your GPA and there is something to recommend that action. However, I received a D in a very difficult class that was not a core class for my major. I took the D and never turned back, grateful to have passed. In interviews: if asked, I would tell the prospective employer that that D was character-building and made me realize that I didn’t know everything, that I needed to study hard, and helped me to empathize with those who had to struggle to understand what I find easy.
From what you said, it doesn’t look like you do since you don’t want to continue with math courses.