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if the school is not teaching your child?

and only teaching your child only to write capital letters at the age of 7,8 and 9 yrs old, waht do u as a parent suppose to do is it ok what the teacher is doing?

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Talk to the authorities…if itz govn…ask em!

If private talk to principle 1st if no action taken…take help of media…write in well kwon neapaprs n magzines…so it get public…n so ur skool changes there decision…!


Go to your state department of education website and find out exactly what your child is supposed to learn in each grade level. In MO, capital letters are kindergarten work. However, I bring back those handwriting activities with older students when they start writing sloppy!

I would contact the principal. Maybe they are doing things in the classroom that you do not know about and handwriting is just what you are seeing at home? At my school, we have to turn our lesson plans in a week early so the principal always knows what we are teaching.

However, if the school is not doing their job, you need to attend a board meeting and speak with administrators or send your child to another school.


Go find out first from the teacher,then the principal.If that don’t cut it put the child in private school or try sylvan learning center to bring the child up to there level.

Michelle R
I agree that they should be doing much more. Look up your state’s curriculum standards and it should show you exactly what your child is supposed to be learning during each school year.

Also, please make sure that this is really the case before talking to any administrators. Ask to observe in the classroom to get a feel for what is really happening. This may clear up more problems than your expect.


go talk to the principal. They should be doing a lot more than this

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