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if it walks like a duck,and quacks like a duck…..what does it mean wen ppl say dat???

i’ve heard ppl use dat saying a lot…wat does it mean??

Top 9 Answers

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it means: whatever i say u are that what u are.. like ur calling someone out on something.. ur calling them on their character…

say if i called u a liar…and u said how am i a liar..

i would say that quote

meaning if u have the characteristics of a liar than u must be a liar

hope this helps some


Think about it, if it acts and sounds like something, isn’t that what it is? If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be a duck, right?

if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be a duck.. or something like that means that how a person acts and talks describes his or her character.

It means If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, IT IS A DUCK!

5 years ago
I cringe when I read or hear people using poor grammar! To me, it indicates one or more of several factors: 1. laziness, 2. poor education, 3. poor teacher, 4. a care-less attitude. Too often, I believe that numbers 2 and 3 are a result of too many students being “educated” in the unconstitutional government (AKA: public) schools, controlled by the largest union and domestic terrorist organization in the United States, the NEA! BTW, if the person using poor grammar was born and raised in the USA, it is an extremely poor reflection on the country I love and adversely influences how people from other countries perceive the overall personal responsibility and intelligence of our citizens!

It just means something is exactly how it seems.

The full phrase is “it it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it IS a duck” or somthing like that.


plays down peoples denial of things for instance like oh no that man isnt checking out those children on the swings

even though he looks like a pedophile

smells like a pedophile

he must be a pedophile haha


embroidery fan
If someone behaves a certain way, it doesn’t matter what they the say about themselves, they ARE how they ACT. If someone says, “I am a Christian” and spends all week ripping people off, they walk & act like a non-Christian, therefore….

then it must be a duck!!! the point is, something that act that way, must be such thing..

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