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i want to be a chef.can you give me some options of school that i can check out.?

what is culinary arts?what is hospitality?how do i get scholarships?what are the requirements to enter the school?what is the difference between postgraduate and undergraduate courses?

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good question; if i wanted to be a chef i would find one of the best beg him to teach you all he knows hone the skills he taught you and take it home from there

elden w
If you live in or near a city larger than 50,000 people there is probably one in the phone book.

culinary arts are skills you use to make ordinary food look like a work of art

hospitality is being a gracious host and being attentive to guests

find the school before you look at scholarships (they may have them)

requirements I don’t know (probably not difficult)

undergraduate courses are those leading to a bachelors degree. Postgraduate courses are for those who already have a bachelors degree.


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