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i wanna be homeschooled?

how do i convince my dad to let me??

Top 6 Answers

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How old are you? If you’re a teenager, you can probably homeschool yourself, but the time to start is now (while you’re still on summer break). Pick a subject you are wanting to learn about and start learning. Write down 10-12 questions you have about that subject, get some books from the library, contact someone working in that field and get those questions answered (other questions should come up in the course of your studies, so make sure those get answered, too). When you’ve spent a few weeks “learning”, write a paper describing all that you’ve discovered by “schooling” on your own and present it to your dad. This may show him that you’re motivated enough to actually work and not sit around watching TV and playing on the internet all day.

I’d also suggest you read _The Teenage Liberation Handbook_ by Grace Llewellyn (see if the library has a copy). It’s a great guide to help convince your parents to let you homeschool. When you’re finished with it, you might ask dad to read it, too.

One caveat – if you are starting or already in high school and there is even a chance you might return to the public schools, be aware that they may not accept your homeschool “credits” and may start you where you left or as a freshman. You might contact the school now and get (in writing) what they require of homeschoolers who enter their school.


You off to a good start by asking here. I assume you are at least in middle school. You might want to investigate online programs with teacher oversight. This might give your dad assurances that you will still be learning. Some are public and would be free; K12, Connections Academy. Others are private and have some costs. Calvert for middle school is one. Keystone,American School, U of NE, U of ND have programs for high school.

I would try to learn from him what his reservations are and try to address them. If it is socialization, explore the homeschool coops in your area. If it is academics, pick the online programs. Also investigate going to community college for high school. My high school age son is doing that as a homeschooler and he is getting a fantastic education.

Good luck!


Start by researching it. Learning about homeschooling will show him that you’re serious about doing this.

If he’s worried that he won’t have time to school you, it’s no problem. You could have school at night after he comes home from work, or he could give you your assignments before he leaves for work and you could finish them thoughout the day.


You can look at Pennsylvania virtual charter school the have live class on the computer they use public school curriculum and they will give you the computer and the books. I am in it and it I love it. Here is the web sit

These will answer any questions that you or your Dad might have,

HOME SCHOOLING. also has the following information available free of charge:


Show him this website.


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