I totally messed things up!?
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This forum will be good for you:
Wander over to the medical school and talk to people and think about your relationship to medicine–that is, figure out why it is that you wish to study medicine. Make sure that you aren’t pursuing someone else’s dream, and make sure that you aren’t expecting the field to yield either a very high income or a vast amount of prestige. Both are possible, of course, but that’s the case in any field. Study medicine because it’s medicine, and not for any other reason.
All the schools you apply for will check your transcripts to see what kind of grades you made, the school you do your undergraduate coursework at (for example Duke University is going to look better than Univ of Southern Mississippi), letters of recommendation, extra curricular activities, etc. etc. etc.
Study and try as hard as you can. I would also suggest having a talk with your advisior. I am sure they could give you a few pointers that will make you a stronger applicant when the day comes to apply for Med School.
Good luck!
There are some other options too. Physicians Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Antithesis. Check out those fields,