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I took the AP US history exam and passed it with a 4 out of 5, do I earn any college credit?

I took the AP US history exam and passed it with a 4 out of 5, do I earn any college credit?

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depends on the college – some take it, some don’t. With a 4, you are very likely to obtain some college credit for it.

I’m sure you will with a 4; how many units of credit you’ll receive will depend on your college. I took AP Calculus in hs and got a 3; I received credit for taking a 3 unit business calculus course at a 2-year community college (semester system), but at a 4-year university I would only get 4 elective credits (quarter system). I also took AP Language and Composition in hs and got a 4; this earned me credit for taking freshman composition at a 2-year college and would get me 8 units of elective credit at the university level and I didn’t have to take the Subject-A exam for English placement.

It will depend on your university. Most school will probably accept it, but not all. Some schools (I believe Harvard is one of them) require a 5 to get any credit.

It will also depend on your university as to if you receive credits for your AP exam or if you are just permitted to skip taking the history core class.

Your university’s registrar’s office should be able to help you with that.


San Fran Kid
yeah, only a few of the ivys annd couple other schools in the country except only fives. almost every college will give you credits or ability to bypass the intro. class for that respected subject.

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