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I need to know how to fill out my FAFSA?

I need to know how to fill out my FAFSA? I’ve had trouble filling it out because my mother passed away last year andit was just ma and her , so everytime it asks me about her taxes and stuff like that I don’t have an answer. Because obviously she didn’t file any and I’m just stumped , because I want to go to college but i don’t think i can afford it. Any suggestions….?

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That is a tough question. Do you already have a school you want to apply/have been accepted to? If so, contact the financial aid office and talk with someone. You should also call the FAFSA processor for guidance in how to complete the FAFSA (1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243)).

You indicated it was just your mother and yourself; were your parents divorced and, if so, did your mom have full custody of you?

If so, you may be able to fill out the FAFSA as an Orphan or Ward of the Court and thus be considered Independent and not have to provide your mom’s tax information.

Definitely contact FAFSA and/or a financial aid officer at the school in how you should complete the FAFSA.

Good luck!

P.S. It is never too late to complete the FAFSA for any given aid year until June 30th (i.e. for the 0708 school year you have until June 30, 2008 to complete the FAFSA). If you qualify as an extremely need student (EFC < 4111) then you are automtically given a Pell and would possibily get an ACG or SMART (depending on your grade level, major, and some additional criteria). It is the institutional aid that you may not receive by being late. Nothing is set in stone - talk to the financial aid officer about your circumstances.


It is not too late to fill out the FAFSA for the 07-08 school year. In fact you have until June 30 2008 to fill out it. Question 53 of the FAFSA asks “Are (a) both of your parents deceased, or (b) are you (or were you until age ❏ Yes ❏ No

18) a ward/dependent of the court?” If you can answer yes to this question you are considered an independent student and are not required to enter your parents income. You did not mention anything about your father but if he is deceased as well or is out of the picture then talk to your school about your “special circumstances” and you will not have to include his either and should still be considered an independent. This would put you in a different category thus possibly receiving more aid since only one income is considered.


go to your local college for help with those questions or your local high school, also there should be a number you can call on the fafsa, ive filled one out before, but they may want you to use her previous years taxes or are you sure no one else filed taxes on her behalf if she passed away after not usre about all these things

Some tax prepares will fill out your FAFSA, also your school couselor can help you. Not sure where you are at but look it up on th internet.

And good luck to you your mama would want you to keep trying and going.


well, its already too late in the year to fill it out. You need to wait until after January 1st to fill it out. You can go on their website and send an email to the helpdesk explaining your situation, OR you can goto your school’s college and career counselor (or the regular counselor). They should be able to help….The FAFSA really sucks, but you should be able to get plenty of aid…good luck!

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