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megan m

I need some suggestions on where to find info on classroom procedure sharpening pencils?

I am doing a paper on the classroom procedure of sharpening pencils, and the time it takes, and the effect on learning it has

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None of my students ever come to class prepared . . . I’m lucky if they have a pencil let alone have a sharpened pencil . . . it’s a royal pain in the ****, but I don’t really have much of a choice but to let them get up and sharpen them . . .

According to our principal/school rules, the students are supposed to ask permission to get up and sharpen their pencils, I find that that takes up too much time and after the first few weeks as long as they’re not abusing the privledge, I let them get up on their own to do the sharpening. It’s too distracting having to take the time to give them permission to get up to sharpen . . . I hope I was helpful . . . my thoughts are a little all over the place tonight!


Well I haven’t quite counted the seconds of how long it takes to sharpen a pencil, but it does have to do with the condition of the pencil, meaning how sharpened it already is and what type of pencil it is. Some pencils sharpen quicker and easier than others. Well, the effect on learning could be that it could help with going through differences of pencils, differences in the speed of yourself turning the lever to sharpen the pencil and so and so forth. You can learn math and problamatic differences and possibilites and plus, pencils help when you’re working on a paper. I’m 14 and trying to help, so now I’m just wondering if I helped at all.



Did you get in trouble for not having your pencil sharpened before class and this is your punishment?

Teachers used to throw fits over that all the time when I was in school.

Classroom procedure: Sharpen you pencil before class starts

The time it takes: 5 seconds a pencil

Effect on learning: It teaches the students their teachers are control freaks.


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