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I need help! Single parent, full time student, no transportation no$. Where do I go?

I need to get help but I don’t know where to turn. I can’t live off student loans because my credit is shot. I need daycare, a place to live, transportation, basically everything and I have nowhere to turn for help besides the government. I can’t have a job without having daycare…I can’t even go to school without daycare and quitting school is the last thing I want to do.

Please tell me what help I need to ask for and where to ask.

Top 2 Answers
JellyBean Bri

Favorite Answer

did u apply for FAFSA? i’m guessing u probaly already did. but if u didn’t thats urs #1 helper. pell grants and what not

this might help some

i would aslo call your fin. aid department at school and find out about getting work study, that would help and also if the school has any affiliation with any daycares that students can use. my school has a daycare on campus for students to use, but they also work with a bunch of daycares in the city. so i would look into that. good luck


If you find somebody who gives you a free place to live and free transportation and other free things like that, let me know because working full time is killing me.

If you can, do it online. Phoenix, Chapman and National are but a few.

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