I need a random big word.?
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the doctrine or political position that opposes the withdrawal of state recognition of an established church; – used especially concerning the Anglican Church in England. Opposed to disestablishmentarianism.
Plecostomus, pleco, or plec is a general name for a type of freshwater tropical Central and South American fish belonging to the family Loricariidae
its a term from music(i forget what it meant)
it was the winning word for scripps national spelling bee 2005
Instrument for measuring the brain’s electrical impulses.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedalio – phobia
(It’s all one word but without the hyphen it won’t fit.)
Fear of long words.
I think it’s someone who opposes the Church of England. Haha, I guess that means Separatists/Puritans.
mental depression cause by the comparison of the actual state of the world with a utopia.
Means the fear of long words