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I need a 6-10 sentence paragraph about alcoholism ….?

who can write a well organized 6-10 sentences about :

“what is one possible solution to the problem of alcoholism”

plz use a good topic sentence and use first , second ….

examples … I need it for my english class …


Top 3 Answers

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I think this question is too much. You are basically copying some person’s work and get credit for it. What you could do is write on your own and I am sure many people would be happy to grammar and spell check for you.

Stop being lazy and do some thinking. The question seems like a common sense and I am sure it would take less than 30 minutes. Good luck.


Have you ever wondered what is one cause of the decline of families in our nation?One of our causes is due to the effect of alcoholism.How do we as a nation help those with alcoholism when commercials are promoting it as “the good life” ,sexy girls,beach parties & so on?We as families have to make a choice:do we want to promote businesses that contribute to alcohol? or Do we want to make a stand & say,I don’t appreciate the message that show presented& change channels.We must be convicted not to buy from from businesses that sell alcohol or promote it possitivly in any way.people have been deceived by alcohol & now they need help with overcoming this addictioin..How do you overcome?I’m glad you asked.First:you’ve got to admit you have a problem.this is the 1st step.Get involved in a support group,a church,& have a sponsor,someone you have to asnswer to.You’ve got to want to be helped,to be & stay sober.No one says it’s easy.& it’s’s a day 2 day battle.But it can be won,with positive influences& strong determination.&WITH the help of God,we can overcome anything..There needs to be more truths about the effects of alcohol as there are the “good times” w/ the picture of the homeless child,the beaten wife,the broken home & the lives that have been taken due to the effects of alcoholism.Give America the truth.After you get past the glamour,alcohol leads you to the gutter./show people what happens,& how YOU could be next..give people the truth about alcohol.& stop supporting businesses that endorse,or sell it…

I would start brainstorming possible solutions and pick the one you like the most. This is an extremely short paper, you shouldn’t have trouble with it. You can search for solutions on the internet too.

Asking someone else to write your paper for you on yahoo and handing it in as your own work is academic dishonesty and plagiarism.


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