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Carmel Loveitt

i’m writing a speeech on emily davidson, any speeh tips?

know any good sayings?

or any tips to stop my nerves from getting the better?

thank you soo much

Top 3 Answers

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Yes, first be CONFIDENT, as you’ll be INFORMING many folks of info. they have never previously received. Be CONCISE; when it comes to words, less is always “more”. Be CONTROLLED, and show some humor to lighten up the audience a bit..and yourself! If you make a speech error, IGNORE it and saunter on..many listeners may have missed it as well. ..and don’t TALK DOWN to your listeners..treat them as friends who need you to help THEM with the topic. Be ACCURATE and hopefully complete also. Your audience will appreciate what you’ve done!

Bob VanDerClock

(a professional public speaker usually discussing UFOs and Government Secrecy, but not limited to that)


john s
Are you speaking of Dickenson? Davidson I never heard of.

Joe H
he was and actor when he was in high school

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