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i’m going to highschool in like 2 week and i need to know what i should focus on more my grades or having fun?

i’m confused should i just enjoy it or be totally serious and focus? i want to become a neonatal nurse or a neonatal doctor{people who takes care of premature children} should i focus on that and just study all the time? should i go with the flow?

Top 8 Answers
mrs sexy pants

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everyone should enjoy their last years of childhood, BUT NEVER AT THE EXPENSE OF YOUR LAST FEW YEARS OF FREE, YES, FREE, EDUCATION! whether you plan on going to college or not (whether you pay or get a scholarship -of course there will be NO scholarship if you goof off your HS years) you still have to work for a living to survive and pay bills when you get out of school, and having smarts is going to get you much farther in life. obviously a minimum of a HS diploma is needed for a good job. and for a great job that pays really well … a higher learning degree will likely be needed. no one says you can’t focus on getting good grades and not have fun at the same time. just don’t compromise your education.

if it means you have to miss out on a party because you need to study for exams or you have a project due (cause you’ve procrastinated till the last minute), then you miss the party.

however, if you do all your school work & study hard & pay attention in class, you’re likely to do well, without having to miss out on too many fun activities!


Lucy J
It’s all about finding a balance between the two of them. You need to work hard but still find time to have fun. If all you do is have fun they obviously you won’t get good grades. Contrary to that, if all you do is study, you won’t have many friends and won’t learn any people skills which are just as important. Make sure that you have good time management and then finishing you work and doing it well should be no problem and you will still have time for some fun!

4 years ago
i’m in 10th grade and we had our Midterms 2 weeks in the past whilst we back from simple terms Dont learn how to hard reason that stresses me out so i take breaks. i’m good at English and history. Make some video games up and play which comprise your friends (like a learn consultation). i’m taking Calculus, English, history, gymnasium B, Economics, business enterprise existence skills, technological expertise

Go with the flow. Keep your grades up and have fun. High school is just like middle school but with older students. So treat it the same way.

you should acquire good study habits, and learn what you can in highschool, but the academic side shouldnt be much of a problem for anyone with half a brain, leaving you plenty of time to have a life. When you hit college, as long as you have a good work ethic and habits you should be able to do well.

you should still try to get good grades and study, but sometimes you should just have fun, dont let school make you miserable. maybe when a test is soon, you should study a little harder than normal but if you just pay attention in class and study for tests you should be fine.

ps.that leaves alot of room for parties!


Grades, fun will happen without trying.

ken s
i suggest you worry more about your grades and less about having fun.

Give your grades a lift Order