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that girl next door

I’m going to be the new kid at a private high school! Any body have experience?

I’m switching over from public school to a catholic private school. Where i was once aloud to wear pajamas to school I now am going to be forced to wear a skort and polo every day. Are the kids going to be nicer here? At my old school it was clique mania. Since I am going to a private school complete with uniforms, how are people going to base there cliques? Soley on personality?

Please give me some advice I’m freaking out!!

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i was new to a catholic school last year, and i didn’t know anyone there. sorry, but the kids there, in my opinon, are just the same as the public school ones; i was bullied and sexually harassed the entire year and didnt really have any freinds. however, this was just my expierience, and i hope that yours is better than mine. also note that the education at catholic schools is better.

Leslie Q
You can still easily form cliques based on looks, personality, interests, etc. Does your school restrict the uniform to one label, or will any skort and polo do the job? There will still be competition just like any other school. People are people anywhere you go, some will be nice, some will be mean. Your attitude will make the biggest difference.

I go to private boarding school and to me everybody is quite friendly there are cliques and there based on looks, clothes and personality really. I think it is better at private boarding because there aren’t many people so yoo just have to learn to get along or it would be miserable 🙁 but do yoo have to wear a particular polo and skort or is it any?

xoxox Kealey

p.s you wore pajamas to school! omgsh im so glad yoo can never do that again pajamas are for bedtime only > : [


well i went to a private middle school for two years and the first year was really awkward at first but then i started making new friends. other people there even approached me and we became friends. going to highschool is very different. some private highschool are different, 1 scchool can have stuck up snobby rich kids that think their so smart and all that, or another school could have friendly well raised or whatever kids. or even a mix of both.

i dont think there will be that much cliques. just be outgoing and friendly, and open to change.


4 years ago
I had the comparable seize 22 subject. i choose public college. i had to be with a extra distinctive scholar physique. Now that i’m in a private college, I hate it and pass over the conventional public college days, simply by fact maximum folk at my college are greater classification and went to private intense college and are very comparable, which potential little or no variety. yet, in case you opt to get into an Ivy League, private is a thank you to circulate. faculties are rated, and that i could no longer get into my first decision simply by fact my 4.0 meant under a 4.0 at a private college. it honestly relies upon what’s the main crucial to you. truthfully, an Ivy League college isn’t each little thing… i’m graduating with my bachelors in could and employers do no longer somewhat care the place you went to college, they simply care approximately adventure. so which you will desire to circulate to an Ivy League, yet in case you have no longer have been given paintings adventure it won’t rely.

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