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I’m going to be a senior in college this year and I plan on going to law school. I havent started my LSAT prep

Is it too late to do this entire process in one year? Am I going to have to apply for law school and the following year?

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No, it’s not too late. Technically, you don’t have to even prepare for the LSAT if you think you can do fine without studying–it’s just a test, like the SAT, but of course will have a greater impact on whether you get into law school. Get a good computer prep program for the LSAT and work on it a couple of hours a day during the summer and take your LSAT this fall, either in October or December. That will give you plenty of time to apply to law school. The deadline for most law schools is February of the year you want to start. For instance, for admission for fall 2008, your deadline would be Feb. 2008, so even if you take the test in December, you should be able to meet the deadline for next year. You can go ahead and send in your application and have the test scores forwarded when they are available. Good luck.

Here’s some info that might be helpful:

When to Take the LSAT

The LSAT is offered four times per year – February, June, October (or late September), and December. Assuming you are entering law school in the fall of next year, you should consider the following factors when choosing a test administration date:

The June LSAT: Many prelaw advisors recommend taking the June LSAT because it will allow you to submit your applications at the beginning of the admission period. Most law schools use a “rolling admissions” process and applying early gives you a slight advantage. In the rolling admission system, applicants are considered as they “roll in,” and thus by applying early you have the least amount of competition for the greatest number of spaces. Applying late can be a disadvantage because you have a greater amount of competition for a smaller number of remaining spaces. However, that is only a generalization-if you apply late with outstanding credentials, you will still get into many law schools. All things being equal, though, applying early is better.

Taking the June LSAT also gives you more time to work on your résumé, your personal statement, and your law school applications. By completing these items early and then reviewing them over the ensuing months, you can create the very best application possible.

Also, if you do not feel prepared for the June test, or if you do poorly on the June test, you can re-take the exam in October.

The October LSAT: October is the most popular test date of the year, in part because the test falls at the start of the application cycle. October is also popular because the test comes at the end of summer, convenient for many college students who can use part of the summer to do their test preparation. An important consideration for all test takers is to take an LSAT that allows a plentiful amount of preparation time, because more preparation time usually translates into a higher score.

Many students also like the October test because they have the December LSAT to fall back on if October does not go well. Just make sure you sign up early-the October test tends to fill up early!

The December LSAT: Every single law school accepts the results of the December LSAT. Equally important, December is the last exam that you can take to meet the deadlines of the top law schools. However, the downside of the December LSAT is that your results come in later than other applicants, pushing you back in the rolling admissions cycle. The December LSAT can also be tough on college students since the test date often coincides with final exams.

Students sometimes ask if it is better to take the October LSAT over the December LSAT simply because the October LSAT returns earlier results. Despite the earlier results, we feel your final score is a more important consideration. Given the choice of taking the October LSAT or taking the December LSAT and scoring three points higher, we would opt for the December exam.

The February LSAT: Although many schools accept the results of the February LSAT, not every school does, and so you must check application deadlines before deciding on this exam. The February test can be a lifesaver for applicants applying to schools that accept the results of this test, and this exam is also a great option for students planning ahead and preparing to apply for the following year admission.


No, it’s not late at all. I am starting my senior year as well, and I hope to attend law school in Fall, 2008.

I start my LSAT prep classes tomorrow..I’m taking the exam in Sept. You can still reg for the Dec. one…that gives you time to either begin your self-prep or to sign up with a course with Kaplan, Princeton Review, etc.

It is highly advised that you apply early, especially as demand can be high for the competitive schools. By Feb., some schools have already sent out 75% of their acceptance letters, which obviously lowers your chances of getting accepted if you apply late.

Having said that though, the worst thing you can do is rush the process. Apply when you are ready, take the exam when you feel fully prepared, and best of luck! 🙂


5 years ago
If you give in now, you will be doing it the rest of your life. His parents demands will only grow as the years go by. You are thinking about all the necessary things you and your child will need. Doctors, good job etc. it only makes sense that you stay with your family. Although you sound very mature, are you sure he’s at the same place? If he can’t choose between you and his parents, maybe you shouldn’t rush the wedding. I’m not saying give up on him or anything, just don’t rush him into something he isn’t ready for. Maybe you should stay with your parents and he can still live with his for a while. It will work out eventually. You are doing the right thing looking out for you and your child. Good luck.

Nah, I decided in April I wanted to go to law school. Took the June LSATs, applied to law school in July and started in the fall. Okay there is only two law schools in the country where you can do it that late.

u r not late give ur best

prepare urself

be confident

take blessings from ur mother n father

GOD will help u

all the best


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