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I’m an italian medical student and would like to spend my residency in the USA but?

I don’t know where to gather informations. I’d like infectious diseases or microbiology. Ragarding the first one I know I have to take USMLE but I don’t know much about the second one which I like most. Would you help me please? Are they a good choice in your opinion? Thank you very much.

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In order to practice in the US you have to pass the USMLE step 1, 2CK, and 2CS. If you want to apply for residencies you will need to have passed all 3 before application. Both your preferred choices are specialties so you would need to do internal medicine (general practice) first and then apply for a fellowship in your desired specialty. See how you do on the USMLE, that will determine you chances at getting a highly sought after residency that will help you get the fellowship you desire. If you have done rotations you would have a better knowledge of what fields you would be happiest in, than I would. Yes, the more specialized the field the harder it is to get a spot.

4 years ago
international scholars do no longer artwork interior the U.S.. They flow place of living taking their coaching with them and share their abilties at living with their very own human beings. and that’s purely the perfect way it is going to be.

plastic surgeons make more money

however a Microbiologist has the potential to discover great things and help lots of people


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