I know in high school you start as a Freshman, but what are you between that and a senior?
I know in high school you start as a Freshman, but what are you between that and a senior?
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9th grade- freshman
10th grade- sophomore
11th grade- junior
12th grade-senior
dont worry my parents still get confused all the time about the grade levels.
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior. I got that confused too before I was in highschool. Just remember that the two OR’s *juniOR, SeniOR* are last.
You start off as a freshman. Your second year is your sophomore year. Then junior year and the senior year.
its like this freshman sophmore junior then senior
9th grade = Freshman
10th grade = Sophomore
11th grade = Junior
12th grade = Senior
Come on, how do you not know this? What grade are you in?
Also to all those who spelled “Sophomore”, sophmore with out the “o” in between the “h” and the “m”, go die. 🙂
freshman, sophmore, junior, senior
after freshman, the 2nd year is sophomore, then the 3rd year is junior
in tenth grade you are a sophomore, and in eleventh grade you are a junior
first year–freshemen *like you said*
second year–Sophmore
third year–Junior
final year-senior *also like you said*
sophmore and junior