I just got my AP scores back. what is the difference between a waiver for a college class and giving credit?
I just got my AP scores back. what is the difference between a waiver for a college class and giving credit?
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waiver–you don’t have to take it (you can take something else instead)
credit–you don’t have to take it and they’re giving you however many credit hours it’s worth to apply to your degree.
A waiver means you don’t have to take the class but still may have to take another class. Gaining credit means you have the credit reported on your transcript and it counts towards graduation. For example, if your institution requires 3 hours of math and your AP math score indicates you can waive math 101, you may have to take another math course because you still need 3 hours of math. If you receive credit via your AP exam, you have satisfied the math credit and do not have to take a math course. Your score on the AP exam will count towards your graduation requirement.