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I have a low gpa. What are my options?

I’m going to be a senior in about a month. I had a rough junior year because I chose not to listen and take school seriously. I now have a 2.25 gpa. I have been depressed for quite sometime because I know that no college will accept me with that low of a gpa. All through out my high school years I managed to be a “B” student. But that all went down the drain my junior year. I know I’m a very smart person and I REALLY want to get into a state college or university. I know I have what it takes to succeed in this world. But I’m so embarrassed because I let alot of people down. My mom is sooooo disappointed in me. I really want to show her and everybody else that I’m going to be somebody. SO what are my options for college? Also, I know people say to apply for scholarships early. But is there a point in me even trying to apply for scholarships now?

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Couple things. If possible, go to a community college for the first 2 years. You’ll get in, even with your GPA. Next, buckle down. You say you’re smart, I’m sure your mom and dad believe it, but the truth is you haven’t shown it. You have to convince the application committees that you’re smart. Won’t happen with a 2.25.

So take your senior year seriously and don’t settle for Bs, get the As. When you go to community college, study enough to get As. And when you have an excellent GPA for your senior and community college years, apply to your dream schools. In the application essays, explain how you lost your way in junior year but that you made a commitment to succeed in school and that you’ve now met your commitment and that you are “now ready to take the additional challenges of *Name* University”. Application committees eat that stuff up.

Community colleges are cheap – you can afford to go there (with some sacrifices). Worry about scholarships as an incoming Junior.

Fact is it’s a long road. Odds are you won’t be able to do that well and that you’ll drop out of community college. But if you really mean what you say, and you’re willing to invest the time, energy, and effort to learn and do well, you’ll certainly realize your dream. 100% certainty.

It’s all up to you – no one else. Good luck.


5 years ago
What’s “really low?” Sounds like you want to go to a large school; why? You need to ask yourself “why” on many questions before reaching a decision. Attempting to read between the lines, you may want to seriously consider a small college & not necessarily the local Junior College. One that is able to give you more personal attention & assistance. Perhaps it will not be as academically recognized but it will lessen your chance of flunking out. You can always transfer after improving your GPA. Universities view College grades higher than your HS performance. Why the low GPA? Didn’t you work to your potential in HS? Or didn’t the classes interest you? Are you in CA now? Many small schools aggressively look for a diverse student mix. Heck, some waive tuition if you’re from a state NOT adjoining theirs!

you can buckle down and work harder to make better grades.You can also meet with your counselor and see what you can do to up your gpa.ANd just because you have a 2.25 gpa doesn;t meant colleges will not accept you.You may get not get into most colleges look at more than just grades.Like your SAT scores for example.You can also start off by simply attending a community college which is normally 2 years then transfer to a university.I suggest you get set up a meeting for you and your mom with your school counselor.

I think you should go to community college for two years,get your associate’s and then apply to a four year school to get your bachelor’s degree. Going to community college will improve your academic record and help you become more mature and responsible, which are prerequisites to academic success. Use this time to get good grades, save money, and continue to apply for scholarships. Believe me every little bit helps. Don’t be discouraged or lazy, it’s not too late. Good Luck.

Are you taking any Honors/AP courses? I’m guessing not, since your GPA fell so much. Take them if you can.

Also, take SATs or ACT. If you get high scores, it might cloud how low your GPA is. It also shows that you care about furthering your education if you take those tests.

Volunteer, do extra curricular activities. There’s more to getting into college than having a high GPA.

also, has a search engine that shows what colleges would be good for you.


Like another said go to a junior college for your first two years—you’ll save a ton of money— and then study hard there. If you do well there you have a chance to be accepted to the college of your choice. Study hard your senior year and whatever you do dont contract “senioritis”.

You can get free scholarship info here:


looks like your going to be digging ditches son

Give your grades a lift Order