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i am very tensed because of my studies. even though i am good at to reduce my tension.?

i am very tensed because of my studies. even though i am good at to reduce my tension.?

Top 5 Answers

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No matter how hard you work, or how great your grades, you need other types of diversions.

A day at the beach, an afternoon shopping, a hike in the woods….you have to DO SOMETHING to get rid of the tension.

AF’s point about sex wasn’t so bad….a change of scenery or some physical exercise is what you need.

Then, when you get back to work, you’ll be refreshed with a new frame of mind.



Try taking a warm bath with some scented salts, or eating a warm meal of “comfort food” – something that you like the smell and texture of. Exercise also helps to ward off stress.

Take it for what it is, it is just school. Try your best but it is not the end of the world if you get a B, C, even a D+ for that matter… Believe me I survived I am sure you can too haha.

try taking a break for a little bit and relaxing- whatever you think is relaxing- i think maybe breathing deeply or do something you enjoy and then go back to studying and hopefully you will be less tense

hope that helps


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