I am planning on attending Ivy Tech community college indianapolis. I am just beginning. I start my PreRequis
OK…I start next month. I was wondering if anyone had completed that RN program in the Associates degree capacity.? I would be interested in any information if you are working as a nurse right now and how going to a community college may have affected you? Do you make the same pay as a four year degree? Do you feel like you should have just went to a four year college……? Was the program as fast as it sounds….two years isnt long after your prerequisites? Can you describe what clinicals included/time?/days of the week./how many months do they last?
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Don’t listen to the above answer. The person is a pompous, arrogant jackass, who thinks because she went to college she is “smarter” and “more worthy” than others. She’s a moron if she thinks you don’t learn about the different branches of medicine and their nomenclature in a community/technical college, but that’s not suprising from reading her post. She had to write it to make herself feel better because other nurses that didn’t spend half the money she did on her education can do her job just as well, if not better than her. Good luck.
Good luck – ha – as a nurse in the oncology field (that’s cancer for you since you won’t learn it at a community college) for years now, and one who went the RIGHT route and got a real education meaning a 4 year degree in liberal arts and then a masters in nursing (not the joke of learning you’re going to get in your so-called associates degree, aka worthless) I urge you now to PLEASE not do this. Every nurse I’ve ever worked with who went to community college has thought she knew as much as those of us who really care about learning to take care of patients, and in the end was not only just ignorant but dangerous. Also, since you’re just now taking your pre-reqs, that also probably means you never went to college/university of any sort (if you even graduated high school) and therefore barely have the knowledge of how to construct a sentence, research an intellectual question with veracity and peer-reviewed verification, or do basic math. If you can’t solve the quadratic equation (worse, you don’t know what it is) for God’s sake go back to your trailer and “nurse” your illegitimate progeny, don’t put doctors and patients in danger. Patients don’t want a community-college nurse and hospitals sure don’t – they’ll take them for the lower pay they can offer and complete lack of respect and benefits they’ll give them, but really, that’s only because our country is in desperate need of nurses and so programs like the one you’re about to start can take your money and turn you out uneducated, dangerous and worst of all – full of yourself with your little piece of meaningless paper. Do the world (and all the sick people in it who need real care) a favor and at least get a four year degree. The brilliant doctors I work with on a daily basis cringe when they see you guys coming, and rightfully so. The docs with the balls to say what all the rest are thinking make fun of 2-year associates “rent-a-nurses”. PLEASE – Don’t give nursing a bad name.