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I am going to the 11th grade this year and in the future want to pledge a.k.a sorority….?

but i not really familiar with such what can i do to become more involved with them as of now??like stuff or camps for the summer or something??

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In addition to the other advice, you need to find out about the rush procedures at the colleges your are considering. So when you send off for college info, also request sorority info. Colleges have different procedures about rush – some are very involved and some are just formalities – and you need to know as much information as possible.

Until you know what this sorority is like on the campus you’ll attend, there is no real way to know what you’ll be involved in.

The same sorority is as different on each campus as the students @ any particular campus may be. XYZ sorority may be #1 on a campus in TX and be ready to dismantel in VA. its all about the members and their involvements on campus. One thing for sure, you will be involved in volunteering… so volunteer @ several agencies this summer… and don’t decide on a sorority until you’ve gone through rush!


Do you mean Alpha Kappa Alpha?

You should visit their website, as I know they (at my college) have tighter requirements than other sororities. Some require alumni references and letters. If you have a school with AKA near you, I’d suggest emailing or writing someone and seeing if you can grab lunch with a sister and she can tell you about her experience.

Also, sororities greatly vary depending on the university. There are various stereotypes at certain schools that may be completely opposite at another school. Make sure that you like your sorority at your school, don’t just join for the letters.


I am an alumnus of a fraternity, and my best advice would be to go to the national website of the sorority that you are interested in and do your research. After that, at whatever college you are considering to go to, try to contact the local chapter there. Hope it helps…

No camps. But you can talk to A.K.A’s. in your city and participate in their program for HS students called Culturama.

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