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I am going in to high-school. Not popular and need tips to make it thew freshmen year!?

I am going into my Freshmen year in high school. I am not popular ( in-fact you could call me a light geek). I am kinda short and not to meaty. I have got picked on before but this is different. There are people i don’t know(the Juniors and Seniors) The there are the class, and a lot of other crap i juts don’t want to get into….. Any advice?

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~So Over It~

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Sweetie, I couldn’t Imagine being in your position and I am very very sorry that as a kid you have to go through this. And i know that when you get picked on it seems like the end of the world. But its not and as soon as you make it through high school, you will have a chance at a real life and real friends. Kids in high school really don’t understand what that does to people and don’t think they every will. But what you need to do is make you a few close friends and just get through it. Concentrate on you homework and have alittle bit of fun with your close friends too. And don’t worry about those kids who make fun of you cause you know what they are usually the unhappiest. So smile have pitty on them and just keep moving forward.. You have to grow some thick skin and fast. As hard as that might seem to do. But when you get out of high school and into the real world I PROMISE YOU WILL LOOK BACK AND LAUGH AT THOSE PEOPLE. Its a part of growing up unfortunately

Debbie G
High school is such a short period in your life. Just get through it, do well, go to college and get a fabulous job. Part of growing up is getting picked on unfortunately. Just try not to let it change you and remember that those that are choosing to do the bullying are doing it because they themselves are insecure and need to pick on the weak to feel better about themselves. If you think about, they’re not that much different than you, they just choose to deal with their insecurities in a different way.

Lay low, don’t make yourself a target and you’ll be okay.


Well i know this is probably the crappiest advice you’ll ever get, but, you’re going to have to just stick it out. The good news is that in high school, you get to meet a whole bunch of new people, and the same goes for the losers who pick on you. Unless you’re really that dorky, they’re are going to forget about you. High school is amazing, and it can be your chance to start over.

This advice I’m going to give you wouldn`t be approved by most.. But if your that desperate here it is. Find the biggest bully and successfully kick the crap out of him.

option two Sell things, Contraband smokes, firework etc….

3rd option find someone who these people dislike more than you and make their life hell..

all these will most likely get you suspend but hey girls like bad asses in high school. only you control your image..

i warn you these will work but ethically there not correct and people will disagree with my options for you. But the choice is yours i just give you some doors to choose from right or wrong.


4 years ago
extensive-unfold isn’t something you will desire to objective to be. properly enjoyed- definite, extensive-unfold- no. extensive-unfold has a definite adverse connotation. in case you’re “extensive-unfold” easily definitely everyone understands who you’re, and generally no longer for reliable motives and anybody understands your corporation. it is superb to desire people to love you and to have a great variety of acquaintances yet bear in mind that recognition comes with a cost, it is a great variety of individuals criticizing you and judging each little thing you do, in different words no longer exciting. additionally…the “extensive-unfold” young ones generally stay the comparable plus or minus some desperate or sensible young ones (respectively) for the duration of midsection college and extreme college. in case you recognize who they are actually, then they’ll in all possibility and regrettably be the comparable people all for the time of extreme college. wish I helped. hear, in case you truly accomplish that “recognition” you so a great deal desire promise to enable me recognize if it lives as much as each little thing you theory it may, or no count if it is not all it is cracked as much as be.

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