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i am a college student and i have trouble studying what should i do to focus on my education?

I go home saying that i am going to study then i just watch tv

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Force yourself to do your work. Grab a snack and a drink, lock your bedroom door, open your books and start studying!

I procrastinate SO much that’s the only way I will get something done.


Sell you TV. This is your shot at life, dude. What are your goals? You want to work for the city and live in a singlewide for the rest of your life? Or do you want to live comfortably and work at a job that you enjoy and are challenged at.

This is reality, it’s not high school.

Someone out there is paying for all this. If its you, you’re an idiot. If its your parents, you’re ripping them off. If you are on a scholarship, you probably won’t have it next semester. This is about priorities. If you can’t make yourself study because of the TV ,sell it. Or… go to the library and study there.


Black W
The best thing you can do is find out how you learn and in which environment it is best for you to study. I tried studying at coffee shops, libraries, my living room, but no matter where i was i kept getting distracted. In public places i was extremely aware of my surroundings to get comfortable. After many hits and misses i finally found the perfect way to study. I studied in my pajamas on my bed with all my books spread out on the bed. and after reading the material i was trying to learn i would say it in my own words out loud adding my own explanations and examples because i’m an auditory learner. In order to lessen my chances of getting distracted i would keep water and a snack nearby so i wouldn’t have to get up and i kept the tv remote on the other side of the room. Good Luck.

don’t go straight home after class, go to the school library or public library, find a quiet and private area to study, is okay to listen to music (with headphones) while you study. If something is distracting you (like TV) then you need to remove that distraction, in this case your options are to get rid of the TV or go somewhere with no TV.

Instead of going home to study and being distracted by all of your stuff, is there a chance you could go to the library? You won’t be able to watch tv there. Maybe you could go outside and find a nice shady place to sit? Try to study in places that are going to be harder for you to be distracted.

your not even in the dorms and you say you can’t study? C’mon man all you gotta do is say to yourself I’m gonna study for fife teen minuets because i have to. Put some music on if you need to be entertained. I dont like to study either but it just comes down to self control. If your not motivated by your studies then perhaps college isn’t right for you. Your future goals should be enough to get you to sit down and aleast look at the material.

What you have my friends is called Procrastination..something that high school and college students share. The only way to focus is to block out everything else thats not important, then go study. I guarentee you, once you start studyin you will start a pace and it will be hard to stop…another solution, you might want to get a Tevo to tape your favorite programs then watch it later.

Okay, now that everyone has shared their opinions with you. Take all of them. Try each one of them. Until you find something that works. Don’t try tv that obviously doesn’t work. Try eachother one. Try radio and what not, and go from there to find out what works for you. Find out which one makes it easier for you to study and get your work done. When you find it, you will know it. Good luck to you and i know that if you want to accomplish this goal (college), which you obviously do or you wouldn’t have come to find help, you will. Now get off the internet and start studying. lol… Good luck

Think about your future and how you dont want to end up working at some dead end crappy job for the rest of your life! Think of someone you know. This is what I did when I had trouble focusing on my studies. You dont want to spend your inevitable future watching that same tv do you?

Find an interesting way to study, maybe with a friend. I like to connect my studying with something I enjoy, like a related movie. Just picture the actors talking about your assignment. Sounds weird, but it works!

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