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how would i right a pursuasive essay about why you should not drive while using a cellphone?


Top 7 Answers

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I think you asked this before, but there are numerous studies done. Search for New England Journal of Medicine study. I did an essay like this.

MomOf 3
First, let me suggest you use a spell check on anything you write because you obviously can’t spell. A normal essay should have five paragraphs. The first should introduce your topic and should contain 5-7 sentences. The next three should discuss your topic and PERSUADE your reader to see things your way. Make sure that you have only ONE main idea in each paragraph. The final paragraph should conclude your essay (which is why it’s called a conclusion) and should sum up you main points again for the reader. Don’t repeat your self in the conclusion. This is a very BRIEF and concise instruction, do some net research to learn more.

To start with, find a good story about victims of a car crash caused by people talking on their cell phones. That will get empathy.

Then, get statistics or studies that show how much higher accident frequency for people talking on their cell phone, and add those in. That will get reason.

Finally, write about logical alternatives to using a cell phone, or a safer version of a cell phone, or something like that. That will get people thinking about what they can do to change this.

Overall, I think that would make a pretty good persuasive essay.

BE BLUNT! Don’t be afraid to write something blunt or harsh if it is true and proves your point.


There have been various academic studies on how drivers talking on their cell phones have a significantly higher accident frequency than drivers who don’t.

Find these studies, and quote their statistics, giving the appropriate citations.


You might want to start out by learning how to spell and use proper grammar.

You need some gruesome pictures..

list all the reasons! distraction, they cause car accidents!

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