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How to self address an envolope?

I was told you put an envolope thats self addressed inside the envolope that you are sending is this correct?

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yes, its an envelope that is addressed to you (sometimes they want you to put a stamp on it also). This way the company that you are dealing with can take the unsealed envelope that is already addressed to you, put your stuff in it, seal it and drop it in the mail. It saves them the trouble of having to keep a record of your address.

Yea I Know
What is a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope?

We are asking you to send us an envelope that we can put your free

stickers into and mail back to you. You need to put stamps on this

envelope or we will not send your sticker (in other words, you pay

postage). The diagram below should help clear up any confusion:

Step by step instructions:

1. Get two envelopes, at least two stamps, and a pen.

2. On Envelope 1, in the middle of the envelope, write your

name and address (just like you are planning to mail yourself

a letter).

3. Stick an appropriate US Postage stamp in the upper right

corner of Envelope 1. Do not seal Envelope 1!

4. On Envelope 2, in the middle of the envelope, write our

address as follows:

BBR Motorsports, Inc

1028 4th St SW, A

Auburn, WA 98001

5. Stick an appropriate US Postage stamp in the upper right

corner of Envelope 2.

6. Fold Envelope 1 so that it can be inserted into Envelope 2.

7. Insert Envelope 1 into Envelope 2. Seal Envelope 2.

8. Mail Envelope 2 (which now contains Envelope 1) to us.

Once we receive your mail, we will open Envelope 2 and throw it

in the trash. We will unfold Envelope 1 and insert free BBR decals.

We will seal it and mail it back to you.


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